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Why us?

Our Mission

We are a client – centered, comprehensive and innovative company.


Committed to provide excellence in consulting services in multi LOB’s environment. Focusing in improve the economic growth, social and technical skills of our clients.


We promote advanced business innovation connections, pluralist inclusion, global awareness enabling our region to have access to elevated Consulting Services specially in Mining, G&O and Education field.


With offices in Brazil and Mexico, we offer consulting services designed for companies that require custom support to elevate results in or from Latin America.


Our consulting team expertise in market research, analysis and introduction is developing using the latest market data trends oriented towards products and equipment cross country/regions introductions or Business/ Services expansion (B2B or B2C).

Our Vision

Provide our clients with the most innovative and higher skilled consulting services in Latin America.

As a company provide continuous development of our team, individual growth balancing soft and technical skills.


To our investors and partners, enable economic growth with integrity, respect for their time, for their believes and dreams. Excel the ROI to our investors in each single LOB’s.


Compromised in giving back to our society at least a residue of our services in the form of products or skill set at affordable and sustainable fashion.


Up or out! There is no room for a flat line. 


We perform our services in a manner that best represents our clients on the field. Ultimately, we support our client’s business expansions engaging in pre-identified/researched markets.


Our expertise provides 360° support bridging clients demands with market opportunities identified to match and ultimately expand our clients’ portfolios and presence.

Contact us today and let us help you grow your business from and in Latam.


What can we do?

Commercial Studies and Market Assessment

BOT Team perform its services with integrity, diligence and solid knowledge and passion in order to deliver its services.


Our Analysis Methodology

• TAMs (total available market);

• SAMs (serviceable available market);

• SOMs (serviceable obtainable market);

• On-the-ground business intel (holistic political + economic scenarios).


Our research and analysis methodology can vary accordingly to each clients business, time frame, and project budget.


Our Skills

•  Leverage already-established relationships with the appropriate players in the Brazil and Mexico Mining, trading, and equipment distribution markets;


•  Engage our knowledge of Brazil and Mexican companies’ import technical needs and commercial requirements;


•  Represent clients best interests during meetings, products demonstrations, presentations, site visits or communication (F2F, telephone, video calls or written forms).

Our Lobs

Our Lobs


Our in-house edutainment team - preparing yungsters for the future. has worked with over 142,500 pre K-12th grade students and 10,000+ educators in over 25 countries.

Consulting Areas


Focused on the Mining Industry, our strengths consist in bridging our clients requests with the industry’s current demands or niche opportunities applying latest equipment and technology developed by our clients (IoT applicable). We enable YOUR company to maximize the potential business opportunities in Latin America especially if the target countries are Brazil and Mexico (B2B or B2C).


Our network in Mexico and EUA allow our North American clients to have access to the latest strategic business driven (B2B) to support an accurate and result oriented approach. Weather if this tsk will be complete identifying potential JV’s alliances or through direct introduction in the select country our team of associates strategic consultants and experts in this field proven to be a reliable and result driven Team.


B2C experts will enable your business to expand its presence on the North/South America Markets. Weather your business demands are introduce, grow or solidify presence on the region we can delivered tailored support on a one of a kind business basis. (accordantly to Bot Latam compliance and ethical reasons we do not provide our services and support to more than one business niche per a period of 2 years minimum to prevent our clients competition against each other.

Other Line of Business


Our sourcing division is trained to optimize identification of products, commodities or services from our pre-approved trade network in Asia, Brazil, Mexico and US. If we can’t identify your demand among our allies network, we will engage the general market in order to fulfill your demands.

Estrategic Partners

STEM Education Division

Andrew B. Raupp.

Technology Consultant at Forbes Magazine and Medium Corporation

Educational leader with 18 years of international experience. Andrew and his team have worked with more than 142,500 students from preschool to 12th grade and more than 10,000 educators in more than 25 countries.


Andrew B. Raupp

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Consultant Division

Paul Michael Wihbey

Estrategic Partner Consulter | Washington DC Base

Is a recognized international expert, author, consultant, and Professor. His expertise covers key energy producing and consuming regions such as the Gulf of Mexico, Western US & Canada, China, West Africa, the Persian Gulf, and the Eastern Mediterranean.Paul Michael has been a keynote speaker at energy and investment conferences around the globe. Paul Michael was invited to China for presentations on China-US energy trade as part of the Phase One negotiations between Washington and Beijing.


Paul Michael Wikbey


Ana Habib

Founder and CEO of BotLatam

Entrepreneur with more than 18 years of experience as an independent consultant in North and South America. Pioneer in different business areas.


International consultant specialized in introducing disruptive technologies in Mining Industry B2B, robotics, education and STEM programs in LATAM.


Ana Habib

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The BOT team consists of full-time associates in Mexico, Canada, US and Brazil who provide solutions to our client’s unique business needs. With more than 15 years of experience in the LATAM region, we have on-the-ground penetration in Brazil and Mexico to support business intel and market assessment work for our clients.

In Mexico, US, Canada and Brazil

Our Network

Our company also team up with part time/ on demand strategic advisors, engineers and attorneys considered by the industry, experts in its business.

Our goal with our solid network is to be efficient, result driven and affordable to our clients. We believe we can’t corner the whole market alone, so we team up with the very best raising the bar when it comes to excel business driven expectations.

Our Network

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Contact Us

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Plaza Acueducto
Ave. Acueducto 6050 UP 11, Lomas del Bosque, Zapopan, Jalisco.

Say hello using the contact form below! We're standing by to help.


At Bot Latam most of our full time staff are bi-lingual. Due the nature of our business we also run a thorough back ground check on candidates.


We are a Team with strong technical or marketing driven back grounds and seriously motivated and passionate for what we do as a Team. If you are seeking a fast-paced, collaborative, and innovative environment, this is definitely the company to be part of.

Get in Touch
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